On-Demand Class Library

Special Events

Recommended for Ages 2-6 years

Special events recorded from holidays and more, in case you missed them the first time around or want to experience the magic and fun all over again!

Musical Adventure

Recommended for Ages 0-6 years

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This class uses music and our imaginations as we journey together on exciting adventures. Come sing-a-long with us as we row our boat down the stream, twinkle like a little star, visit Old MacDonald’s farm, and more! The class has live music and every class is a new adventure!

Story Time

Recommended for Ages 2-5 years

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In each class, we will read aloud a children’s story, encouraging children to be immersed in the storytelling through interactive elements.

Storybook Adventure

Recommended for Ages 2-6 years

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After warming up our bodies, voices, and imaginations, we will discover a new children’s story each week from our trunk. We will read the story aloud, which will inspire our adventure for the day — an imaginative storytelling improvisation!

Imagination Adventure

Recommended for Ages 3-7 years

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Act, Move, Create, and Play… where will your imagination take you today? In this class, children will go on a dramatic adventure that begins with the opening of the treasure trunk. The imaginary items inside the trunk provide the spark that inspires a story that we will create using our voices, bodies, and imaginations.

Musical Theatre Fun

Recommended for Ages 3-8 years

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Sing and dance with us in Musical Theatre Fun! In this theatrical class, we’ll learn a dance and song with step-by-step instruction. Put on your dancing shoes, sing along with us, and get ready to shine!